Contact mel@melmarieyoga.com

SME | Speaking + Workshops

As an expert in stress reduction, yoga therapy and mindfulness, Aguirre focuses to mitigate stress factors and provide experiential education and training for soldiers. This scope can be applied in work, personal and spiritual capacities that go beyond general military education but implemented through operational duties and combative tasks.

Aguirre’s specialty in implementing breath physiology aids the soldier in sustainable and functional change within the body that decreases inflammation markers and guides the soldier in utilizing their own system of self-referral and regulation.

Aguirre’s approach is based in using mindful physical performance and breath utilization to optimize mental, spiritual and emotional health. This process also aids in healthy eating habits and combating risk factors that inhibit sleep readiness.


Tactical Mobility, Recovery, Mindfulness, Yoga and Stress Reduction Experiences.

We have the capabilities to provide specialized education, presentations and briefings on mental performance, mindfulness, stress reduction, yoga and recovery tailored for occupational and professional needs as requested by unit, commands and leadership.

Mental Performance and Mindfulness

Options for program format:

Each program is the same curriculum, the more hours the more practical application, activities and experiences.

1.5 Hour |3 Hour Option | 6 Hour Option | 3 Days Option

Through our unique program, Mental Performance and Mindfulness Training (MPMT)- we equip command teams, cadre, personnel and medical professionals in the following competencies:

-Interconnecting the 5 Domains of Holistic Health to grasp the concept of proactive health.

- Optimizing the Human Weapon System, Recovery, and Mental Performance.

- Enhancing Structural Capabilities through MPMT Techniques and Integrative Movement Skills.

- Understanding Neuromuscular Patterning while applying traits to optimize the ACFT and wellbeing.

- Emotional Capabilities and Stress Control

- Stress Regulation and Accessibility

- Performance Imagery and Nervous System Recovery

- Mental Readiness and Mindfulness

- Utilizing Movement, Breath Application and Self Awareness for Cognitive Functioning

- Mental Recovery Skills and Proactive Wellness

- Spiritual Hygiene and Meaning

- Sleep Readiness through Regulation Skills and Regeneration

- Operationalizing H2F, Mental Performance, and Recovery Methods

Education and Yoga Class Resources

Resources accessible and uniquely tailored to the units needs.

On demand libraries, access to Virtual On Demand Studio, DVIDS, and more for soldiers to utilize on their own time and for leadership to use through projectors or TVs to lead conduct physical training.


Send us an email requesting to have access to our virtual studio on demand. 

Providing complimentary resources families and personnel can access from home for the sustainability of mental, physical, spiritual, and sleep hygiene. Our resources are provided to support a holistic model of readiness that optimizes whole health and flourishing. These online practices and educational tools are not intended to replace conventional medical advice. By participating in any online class, you understand there is an inherent risk in participating in physical activity. You understand and agree to take responsibility for your health and choices consulting with your medical provider for any medical advice. 

Mindfulness for Military Spouses Video

Disclaimer** By participating in any online class or pre-recorded class/practice/workshop, you are agree to take responsibility for your health and body by making choices that honor and nourish you. Do not do anything that does not feel good for you. By participating in these resources, you agree to release any representative, partner or teacher from liability of your choices. You also, understand that these practices are not to replace medical interventions or take the place of working with a medical professional when needed. 

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